xmlwebgui is a validating xml editor that runs in every DOM-conform browser (Mozilla, Netscape6 and MSIE5+). On the client sie it works with JavaScript and CSS, at the server side are some servlets for parsing the DTD and transforming the xml data via XSLT.
xmlwebgui is work in progress and all contribution is welcome. If you are a webdeveloper with experience in Java, JavaScript or XML, send me a mail and I will tell, how to contribute.
XML Web GUI enters with version 0.5b1 the beta stage of development
process. Improvements have been made to the user-interface, security
and speed.
XML Web GUI is avaliable for download in binary and source packages for
Java 1.3 and Java 1.4 from Sourceforge.
Josh Campbell has joined the XML Web GUI project. He will be responsible for the user interface and design of the software.
xmlwebgui needs project help. I am in search of a css compentent
webdeveloper who will create dtd styles that are nicer than
You should have some experience with css and be able to create
nice-looking styles for visualizing abstact data structures.
The third alpha version was released today. It includes major
bugfixing and some new features, that make it easier to include
xmlwebgui into your website. Additionally I have created css
styles for two dtds.
The next release, which will be the first beta release is
expected for mid march. It will contain a bundle with apache
Please download it
from the download page at sourceforge.net.
Today the second alpha version of xmlwebgui, the validating xmleditor, that can be used with your browser was released. This version includes a bugfix for mozilla, now you are able to edit attributes in this browser too. Additionally the documentation includes now installation instructions, screenshots and a step-by-step example. Please download it from the download page at sourceforge.net.
Today the first alpha version of xmlwebgui was released. It is ready to run and includes some example files. Please download it from the download page at sourceforge.net.